Growing up on the west side of Detroit, I had no idea I would end up in politics. I wasn’t the greatest student but I had parents who never gave up on me. My family poured all that they could into my life. Their love and determination made me strong, integral and transparent.
I care about the City of Detroit deeply. I thoroughly research issues and engage with the community when trying to identify solutions. Since being elected in 2009, every vote that I have cast has been in the best interests of the residents of our city. Sometimes those decisions are a bit controversial due to the weight of the matter, but that’s a part of the job. Making tough decisions in the face of adversity, no matter how uncomfortable it may be for me personally. When you decide to run for office you do it for the people.
I represent District 1 so that I can continue to build on the foundation that we have established in this community. I also represent District 1 because I want to continue to fight for the residents who call Northwest Detroit home.
Throughout my terms, I promised to provide residents with a voice at the Council table. Equally, I have labored hard to advance policies that work to improve the lives of Detroiters as well as watched over city finances.
To this day, my priorities have not changed. Real progress has been made since I was first elected, but much more needs to be done.
I have been honored to serve as the District 1 representative. I hope to continue to have your support and please let me know your issues and concerns by using the “Get Involved” tab on this website.